Wednesday, July 6, 2011

A couple of TV portraits...

Whew...long time, no posts. Not surprisingly, I've really failed at trying to maintain this thing. :O Well, maybe this time, FOR REAL, I'll be better. I'm trying to be more productive and more efficient, drawing more and drawing quicker. I enjoy drawing portraits, so I thought I'd paint a couple of folks from TV shows I've been catching up on: Ron Swanson from "Parks and Recreation" and Damon from "The Vampire Diaries". Ron I finished in an evening, 6-7 hours and Damon I took a little longer on because real work got in the way, probably close to 10 hours spread out over a week. Both made just in Photoshop, and were painted directly in color as opposed to my old grayscale with color overlay layers method. The coloring is a bit flat, but I think Damon is already a vast improvement over Ron, so hopefully I'll continue to improve at that rate. They were fun, and I think they were good exercises to force myself to work as fast as I can and try to finish jobs in just one sitting if possible, and not to overthink and overwork them to death.

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