Friday, December 16, 2016

Dec 10 - A Christmas Carol (1977)

At around this point, I began asking myself if watching all the movies like this is the best way to do it, or the worst way. Is it unfair to the lesser ones to watch them so quickly after the more acclaimed? Are flaws and shortcomings amplified, or even invented to some degree? Or is it the ultimate test, to see how each one can stand up to the toughest competition while all the info is fresh in my mind? No buffer of time and selective amnesia to soften the rough edges and overshadow inadequacies.

I don't know, still not sure. But all I know as it pertains to this one is that while it was done well enough in about every objective aspect, it was also utterly forgettable. I finally wised up and started keeping notes as I watched and was getting behind on writing posts...but I never had anything to jot down. There was nothing that made this one stand out from the pack. It was like a lovely, technically well painted banal landscape...can't really criticize it much, but there's nothing terribly gripping that stays with you after looking away.

If this is the only version you could ever watch, that wouldn't necessarily be a bad thing, but it would still be kinda sad. It's the movie equivalent of eating white bread-perfectly sustaining and harmless but you never close your eyes and say, "Mmmmm" after any bite. And you sure don't look back on the experience with vivid memories.

Watch it on YouTube
  1. A Christmas Carol (1951)
  2. Scrooge (1970)
  3. A Christmas Carol (1938)
  4. Mr. Magoo's Christmas Carol (1962)
  5. A Christmas Carol (1971)
  6. Scrooge (1935)
  7. A Christmas Carol (1910)
  8. A Christmas Carol (1977)
  9. Shower of Stars: A Christmas Carol (1954)
  10. Scrooge, or, Marley's Ghost (1901)
  11. The Christmas Carol (1949)

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